
Writing Down What You Want To Manifest

Manifesting your dreams through writing is one of the best ways of manifesting in my opinion. If you've ever had a diary you'll know the feeling of starting out writing, only to have thoughts spill out of you that you had no idea were even in your head. Manifesting your goals through writing does just that too.

We can all get distracted from our goals by day-to-day life and fall out of the habit of focusing our thoughts on what we're manifesting, but the great thing about manifesting by writing is that it's actually tangible. Our goals and our feelings are written down right in front of us for us to revisit at any time.

It's easy to lock the drawer to the filing cabinet in our head titled 'manifesting my dreams' when life feels a little hectic, or we feel discouraged by our manifestations not becoming reality immediately, but it's harder to ignore what's written down.

Creating a daily habit of writing your manifestation down will change your mindset from one of disbelief to one of excitement and pure belief quickly.

This survey by Dr. Gail Matthews found that those who write down their goals are much more likely to achieve them than those who don't. If you're really passionate about manifesting a new reality for yourself, send your manifestations to a close friend. The study found that those who sent their goals to a friend were even more likely to accomplish them, which makes sense because let's face it, who likes admitting defeat?!

manifesting by writing

How To Manifest By Writing

Here are 6 steps that will help you improve your writing technique in order to be able to manifest anything by jotting it down.

Step 1: Have A Specific Manifestation Journal

Don't just jot your manifestation thoughts down here, there, and everywhere. Get yourself a specific journal that you only use for manifesting. No to-do lists in here, no meeting notes, no holiday packing lists, just your manifestations. All of your thoughts will be in one place, and in times of self-doubt and negativity, reading through it will inspire and motivate you, as well as renew your belief in your manifestation.

Step 2: Write About Your Why

Writing down what you want won't go as far as writing down why you want it, as well. In fact, sometimes, you might not have even thought too hard about your why. For example, if you are manifesting a partner, you might have just thought ' I want somebody to love. ' But, why is that?

Writing down your why will help you discover exactly what you're looking for and the feeling that you want to attain from what you're manifesting.

Here's an example of how you could use your why to manifest by writing.

I love having a significant other because I feel safe and secure. I feel supported in my wishes and desires, and I am able to be completely myself around them. I am a natural caregiver and am happy to be able to nurture my significant other with so much love and commitment.

Step 3: Write Your Feelings

It's important to write your feelings down, and not just statements. It's also important to use 'I am' language, which is writing in the present tense as though your manifestations are already your reality, rather than 'I wish' or 'I will'.

Here's an example.

Instead of: I will be rich.

Try: I am a money magnet. It feels great to be able to be the first millionaire in my family and to be able to take away my loved ones' financial worries. I feel so happy and joyful to be able to support my Mom so that she can retire, and I feel calm and relaxed about money. My heart feels light without financial burdens.

Do you see the difference between these two thoughts? Focusing more on the feeling rather than just the statement helps your manifestation to feel more real, and it also helps you to become even more excited about it. Specifics always help when it comes to the law of attraction, so you might find that you need a thick notebook for all your thoughts!

Step 4: Be Repetitive

Repetition, repetition, repetition (see what I did there?!). Write about what you want to manifest every day. You can write exactly the same vision every day, or you can write another version of that vision each time, but repetition will increase your belief in the thing you're manifesting. It will feel so close that you can almost touch it.

If you prefer to write short statements rather than longer thoughts, another way you can manifest by writing is by jotting down the same statement over and over again, as if you were in detention (but a much more enjoyable one).

If you're using the law of attraction to manifest becoming a digital nomad, you could use the phrase: ' I love being able to work from a cafe in Bali every day.'

Make sure it's the most powerful phrase you can think of, that invokes excitement and belief into you and write it down continuously. Whether you choose to write it a specific amount of times, enough times as can fill a page, or for a number of minutes, set aside a little time every day to write this manifestation down.

Step 5: Be Thankful

Did your Mom ever make you write thank you notes to all your family after Christmas? This is very similar. Write down a thank you note in your manifestation journal to the universe, thanking it for bringing your manifestation to fruition.

It could go something like this.

Thank you for bringing the perfect job into my life. I feel so grateful for the opportunity to pursue my career dreams, and this job makes me and my loved ones so happy and secure. I love the feeling of knowing the career I've always dreamed of is mine, and I'm so thankful to the universe for bringing it into my reality.

Step 6: Reflect On Your Writing

Once you've written down your thoughts and feelings in your manifestation journal, put it down and leave it for a while. Come back to it once you've had some time away, and read your thoughts. How do they make you feel? If they make you feel excited, emotional, and ready for this desire to come into your life, then you've nailed it.

If you don't feel anything when reading through your thoughts, maybe you're not quite in alignment with what you're writing and you might need to change your writing tactic tomorrow when it's time to journal. Maybe you haven't put enough feeling into your words, maybe you need to be more specific about the situation to really believe it, or maybe you haven't quite figured out your why yet.

Write every day until you're filled with that all-important high vibrational energy that gets you buzzing with excitement.

Final Thoughts

Manifesting by writing is a great way of using the law of affirmation to manifest your reality. It gives you the opportunity to get carried away with your thoughts, and to write down what you want to manifest in a lot of detail. Details help massively with manifesting, as they fill us with true, unwavering belief that this is coming to us, and soon. Manifesting by writing provides clarity to your goals, achieves vibrational alignment, and helps you to take the actions needed to make your manifestation a reality.

Writing Down What You Want To Manifest


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