Process Map and Flow Chart Symbols require particular symbols. See what's needed in order to draw a process map.

Process Map and Flow Chart Symbols Overview

Start/ Stop:

Start Stop Terminator

The start and stop point in the process is denoted by this symbol, and is often known as terminator.

Process Step:

Process Step

One of the most commonly used symbol in a process map, a process step denotes a task or activity of the process.



It denotes the points where decisions are needed in the process, or generally the phases where there are two options like yes/ no or pass/ fail.



The delays in the process are denoted by symbol D.

Flow Line Connectors:

Flow Lane Connector

The movement in the process is shown using the flow line connectors that shows the direction in which the process flows.



The storage and filling variables are shown using an inverse triangle



In order to draw many flow lines crossing each other and making the process map messy, connectors are used to show that one point connects with another. Connectors provide easy reference in the process map.

Out- going off page connector:

Out- going off page connector

It serves as a connector to connect the process on the other page



It represents a formally predefined process.



It represents the process steps that produce a document



The data with respect to the inputs and outputs are shown using this diagram.

Manual Input:

This symbol indicates the need for the operator or user to manually feed the required information in the process.

manual input

Six Sigma Green Belt Process Map and Flow Chart Symbols Questions


A Belt utilized a diamond symbol in a Process Map she created for the process that was subject to her LSS project. By use of the diamond symbol she was showing a(n) _______________ point in the process.

(A) Ending
(B) Beginning
(C) Decision
(D) Repair station


Question: Which of the following shapes is used to present a termination point in a flowchart?

(A) Rectangle
(B) Diamond
(C) Arrow
(D) Oval
