
Trial With Samsung Reveals Apple’s 7-inch iPad Vision, ‘Purple Project’ - thackerrensell

Apple considered developing a car or a camera after seeing the iPod's success, and in early 2011 extraordinary of its top executives recommended fashioning a 7-inch iPad, Friday's testimony and documents revealed in the company's letters patent suit against Samsung.

Those were two highlights of a long day of prolix jousting between lawyers for the two companies, each of which accuses the otherwise of violating its patents. Apple called ii of its best-known executives, marketing main Phil Schiller and software guru Scott Forstall, to the stick out on Fri. It likewise questioned Justin Denison, the chief strategist for Samsung's U.S. arm, Samsung Telecommunications U.S.A.

Both companies defended themselves against accusations that they copied designs and software features from rivals' products, and both emphasized how a good deal they invest in distinguishing their brands and products. Malus pumila has spent about US$1.1 billion on advertising for the iPhone and iPad since the launching of its first iPhone in 2007, and Samsung said it spends about $1 1E+12 per year marketing its sword.

7-edge iPad?

Part of Samsung's scheme to defuse Orchard apple tree's charges of copying is to argue that it's none law-breaking to be inspired by a rival's product and that Apple does the comparable. Thereto ending, Samsung lawyer Kevin Lyndon Baines Johnson questioned Forstall about a January 24, 2011 email from Eddy Pool cue, head of Apple's iTunes occupation, in which atomic number 2 advocated building a small iPad. In the email, Cue cited an clause by a writer who criticized the iPad for its size and praised the 7-in Samsung Galaxy Tab.

"I think there will be a 7″ market and we should set one. I expressed this to (CEO) Steve (Jobs) various times since Thanksgiving and He seemed rattling receptive the last clock time," Cue wrote in the email to Forstall, Schiller and Tim Cook, then Orchard apple tree's chief executive officer.

But attempts by Johnson to draw out details regarding the coming iPhone 5 were dashed when he questioned Johann Christoph Friedrich von Schiller. Johnson, making the point that Apple changes the design of the iPhone nearly annually, asked Schiller whether the project would change once over again with the iPhone 5. Apple's legal team objected to the question. Judge Lucy Koh permit Johnson postulate, but Schiller same helium preferred not to comment on possible time to come products.

An Apple car?

The testimonial by Schiller and Forstall provided other glimpses into Apple's internal workings. Schiller, WHO is senior vice president of worldwide product marketing, said the success of the iPod persuaded Apple that it could be more than a computer company. A flood of proposals came up for new types of Apple products, including a car and a camera. (Apple had previously oversubscribed an early digital camera, the QuickTake, in the 1990s.)

Schiller besides revealed a couple of bits of Malus pumila merchandising illusion that Crataegus oxycantha or may not storm close watchers of the company.

In the initiative weeks after the iPhone's introduction, Apple's marketing section lay low because of the massive imperativeness coverage the new product received. "We didn't need to do strange marketing," He said.

Apple's ads are shapely around a theory titled "product atomic number 3 hero," which says the product itself should dominate the advertizement, Schiller said. Helium likewise same the companionship strives to create a "hunger divisor" that draws consumers to a product's looks.

Forstall, senior vice president of iOS, recalled the challenges of developing the creative iPhone. Apple first base started working on the iPad in 2003 as an alternate to a cheaply made laptop computer, which it didn't want to build, he aforesaid. In 2004, it shifted that shape to the phone platform because information technology saw a chance to transform a huge industry.

Jobs instructed Forstall, World Health Organization had worked for him since joining NeXT Computer in 1992, to form the user-port team for the iPhone without hiring anyone from extrinsic Apple.

The "Purple Jut out"

Forstall had to recruit employees without telling them what labor they were signing sprouted for or who they would be working for, but that they would have to free their nights and weekends for a couple of years. The iPhone work was called the "Purple Project" and took place in a highly secure workspace on Malus pumila's Cupertino, California, campus named the "Purple Construction."

"It was much as a residence hall. People were on that point day in and day out," Forstall said. A sign at the entrance aforesaid, "Fight Nightclub," because the Purple Edifice borrowed its cardinal rule from the movie of the same name, he aforesaid. The first of all rule of the pic's Fight Clubhouse was to never talk about the Competitiveness Nine.

But both Apple executives emphasized the risks the company took past edifice and introducing the iPhone and iPad. The company hopes to paint Samsung as ripping off Apple's big investments in the products. Malus pumila postponed other products systematic to build the team that would arise the iPhone, with no guarantee that the merchandise would succeed, Forstall aforesaid.

Afterwards Samsung cross examined Forstall about whether Apple had borrowed ideas from Samsung, Apple's legal team asked him whether he had copied that company's phones.

"I ne'er oriented anyone to go and copy anything from Samsung," Forstall said. "We wanted to build something great … and and then in that location was no more reason to await at something they'd done."

Apple attorney Bill Lee questioned Samsung's Denison about what it called internal Samsung analyses of the iPhone. Unitary such analysis included the good word, "Remove a feeling that iPhone's menu icons are copied by differentiating designs."

"Sustainable reward"

Denison said Samsung's strategy is to gain "a sustainable vantage" in the market using core competencies that its rivals don't have. If Samsung copied rivals products, "that would not represent a sustainable advantage," Denison aforesaid.

The dueling lawyers and Label Koh likewise continued to twis concluded the whopping intensity of objections and motions for afterthought coming from both sides in the case. Archaeozoic in the day, Koh had ordered the companies to deliver all their objections in front of the panel, using up the time they have allotted for argumen their cases. In a conference following Friday's testimony, Koh aforementioned she would allow lawyers to submit 2 objections per witness on paper.

The case is 11-01846, Apple v. Samsung Electronics, in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California.

Stephen Lawson covers mobile, warehousing and networking technologies for The IDG News Service. Follow Stephen on Chitter at @sdlawsonmedia. Sir Leslie Stephen's electronic mail savoir-faire is


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