
Google Defends Against Claims of Rigged Search Results - thackerrensell

Google is aggressively defending itself against accusations it manipulates its search results based on ad payments, and it is encouraging users to go elsewhere if they don't the like what the company does.

A recent blog information technology posted came in response to a Wall Street Journal op-male erecticle dysfunction piece in which Nextag CEO Jeffrey Katz slammed the company and its practices.

Katz wrote that his comparing shopping site analyzes the search dealings it receives from Google and can tell "when Google makes changes to its algorithms that effectively penalize its competitors," including his company.

"Our data, which we shared with the U.S. Senate Judiciary Citizens committee on Sept. 21, 2022, shows without a doubt that Google has stacked the deck. And as a result, it has shifted from a true look site into a commerce site — a commerce site whose explore algorithm favors products and services from Google and those from companies able to drop the most on advertising," Katz wrote.

Google was fast to counter with a elaborate blog to guard itself.

Senior Vice President of Engineering Amit Singhal wrote that Google's natural search results are never influenced by payment and that its "ads and dealings experiences are clearly labeled and distinct from the unpaid results, and we recently announced new improvements to labeling of shopping results."

Google announced those "improvements" to shopping results on May 31 and said by the stop of the year its mathematical product research results will be limited to paid advertising and represent called Google Shopping. It said this would trail to break shopping results for users because "having a commercial relationship with merchants will encourage them to keep their production information fresh and busy date."

Katz isn't the only one who takes issue with how Google is doing things these days.

"[P]aid inclusion was one of the original sins Google listed as part of its 'Don't Be Evil' gospel. But these days, Google seems homy with paid comprehension, raising potential concerns for publishers and searchers alike," wrote Selling Land's Danny Sullivan.

Singhal says Google clearly labels its ads and commercial experiences as such and that they're not mixed in with unpaid results.

"This is in dividing line to most comparison shopping sites, which invite defrayal from merchants but often don't clearly label search results as being influenced by payment," He wrote.

As for Katz's declaration that changes Google makes to its algorithms have reproved his troupe, Singhal wrote that Google makes more than 500 changes to its algorithms a year so as to help users, non websites.

"Our algorithms are always designed to give users the most in question results — and sometimes the best event isn't a website, only a map, a weather forecast, a fact, a quick answer, or specialized image, shopping, flight, or movie results. And that's non just Google; Bing, Yahoo and other search engines do the same thing," He wrote.

Most interesting, though, is Singhal's advice that if anyone doesn't like Google's search results, they can go ahead and use a unlike engine — he even shared links directly to Bing, Yahoo, DuckDuckGo, and Google Minus Google.

Whether or not you suchlike what Google is doing, you can't deny it has pick.

To look into the repose of Singhal's assertions, shoot the breeze the Google Public Policy Blog where he besides says some of the company's largest advertisers are competitors and that "the great affair about the openness of the Internet is that if users don't notic our results relevant and useful, they can easily voyage to Nextag, Amazon, Yelp, Bing surgery any another site."

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